We understand that you can't always be available and online for your customers, so we give the customers an option to request an online appointment with you at the time availability selected by you. Simply accept a time slot requested by the customer and come online at the given appointment time, for the customer to connect with you when you are online. Given below is the full process of how appointments work for your better understanding.
A customer can request an appointment with you by picking 3 time slots, mentioning the reason for his/her call, as well as mentioning the preferred connection tool as shown below.
You will receive an email, SMS as well as a notification in your expert account when the customer requests for an appointment with you. You can accept any time slot that suits you or suggest alternate time slots for the customer to accept. If you feel you cannot help the customer with their given problem you also have an option to reject the appointment request.
On confirming an appointment, we will notify the customer of the confirmed time slot and send you a reminder mail 45 mins before your actual appointment time, so you have enough time to come online in case you are busy doing something else. Come online, and wait for the customer to connect with you.